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Category: Posts

Learn Simple Tips for Decreasing Your Electricity Bill

Electricity is a vital part of everyday living. It provides power for kitchen appliances, lighting throughout the home, and many … Read More

Learn How to Combine Coupons and Food Stamps for Savings

For every $100 in food stamps a household receives, that household increases the amount spent on food by anywhere from … Read More

Find Out 5 Steps You Can Take If You Do Not Qualify for Unemployment

Unemployment insurance (UI) may provide you with monetary benefits if you are unemployed and meet other eligibility requirements such as … Read More

Learn About Renter’s Insurance

As a tenant, your landlord’s insurance policy does not cover your personal belongings in case of theft or fire damage. … Read More

Find Out About Expensive Foods to Avoid While on Food Stamps

The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program, formerly referred to as food stamps, is a program that helps low-income individuals and families … Read More

Learn Common Misconceptions About Medicaid and Medicare

Understanding health care is something that is unfortunately very complicated. There are a lot of different health care programs available, … Read More

Learn About Areas to Include in Your Resume

Your resume is typically your first chance to make a good first impression on a prospective employer. Making sure that … Read More

Learn About Situations Where You Might Be Able to Defer Student Loans

Students enrolled in certain colleges and universities may be eligible for deferment on their student loans. Deferment allows borrowers to … Read More